
Showing posts from February, 2018

Peppa, tantrums and twonagers

I think we can officially say we have reached the terrible twos. My daughter isn’t two until the end of March and I naievely hoped that we would at least have until the beginning of April before we enter this stage ... and my goodness have we entered with a bang ... refusing dinner, throwing things, saying no to EVERYTHING, throwing herself in the floor, refusing to get dressed, refusing to go in her high chair, this list could go on. Between these highly frustrating moments we have times of pure love, a cuddle fixes everything, peppa fixes everything and cake fixes everything (even though she doesn’t actually like cake, but hey she’s a girl after my own heart). I’m praying that by the time baby number 2 arrives we have figured out how to manage her tantrums (if that’s even possible??) or she is over this phase,  and we are coming out into the lovely threenager phase I have heard about. Admittedly I have to confess we have been super lucky with our daughter, she was su...

Baby feet

I have always loved baby feet. As far as feet go they are just the most adorable little things. I remember at my 20 week scan the sonographer putting the probe on my belly and saying "I just love baby feet, they are my favourite part to scan", low and behold the first thing we saw were two little feet. I noticed one foot was clearer than the other but didn't think much of it as I am definitely not a pro at ultrasound scans and know babies can manage to hide certain parts of their body and be tricky customers. We had a trainee monographer who was previously a midwife and was so lovely. I don't mind having students practicing their skills on me, and if anything see it as a more thorough scan. I noticed that she seemed to be scanning for a while and was struggling to get a good view of the feet, it was at this point her mentor took over and did the whole scan again (obviously much faster) and pointed out all the vital parts. Again she struggled to get a proper view of t...

Toddler and a bump!

💛Hello and welcome to my blog💛 I'm Steph and this little bundle of joy is called Izzy who was born March 2016 - we have another one on its way and we have left it as a surprise to find out what we are having . I have decided to write a blog to try and talk/connect with others who have had a baby born slightly differently. At my 20 week scan the sonographer noticed that my babies left foot hadn't developed properly. It looks like the big toe is there but not the other 4 digits and some of the foot where the digits are missing. Although this is not the worst thing (I know there are many worse things out there being a NICU nurse) I was devastated. I felt like I had done something, had a missed a sign? did it happen when I fainted? had I been drinking too much caffeine? what had I done? ... the truth is, I had done nothing but I still felt so guilty. We went to St. Georges hospital and were scanned again from head to toe. I know they were looking to rule out any card...