Peppa, tantrums and twonagers

I think we can officially say we have reached the terrible twos. My daughter isn’t two until the end of March and I naievely hoped that we would at least have until the beginning of April before we enter this stage ... and my goodness have we entered with a bang ... refusing dinner, throwing things, saying no to EVERYTHING, throwing herself in the floor, refusing to get dressed, refusing to go in her high chair, this list could go on. Between these highly frustrating moments we have times of pure love, a cuddle fixes everything, peppa fixes everything and cake fixes everything (even though she doesn’t actually like cake, but hey she’s a girl after my own heart).

I’m praying that by the time baby number 2 arrives we have figured out how to manage her tantrums (if that’s even possible??) or she is over this phase,  and we are coming out into the lovely threenager phase I have heard about.

Admittedly I have to confess we have been super lucky with our daughter, she was such an easy baby on the whole, and she still is really good. She tends to make people smile even when she’s in a mood, for example this week we were in our local shop, I had finally given in to my carrot cake and ice cream craving and was juggling those items along with a couple of other bits. Izzy decided she wanted a chocolate bar and she was going to do a grab and run ... I managed to get hold of her hand and between her giggles and wanting to moan, a bloke walking by smiled and gave me that ‘iv been there before look’. This might seem really insignificant and a silly story to tell but it actually made my day and reminded me of the true innocence and impulsiveness of a toddler.

This week we went back to Hartbeeps! I hadn’t got round to signing up again after Christmas due to moving house, and with my head feeling a little bit all over the place with the babies foot news. I was genuinely quite nervous and excited about going back. We have been going since she was about 6 weeks old and I have loved every single session. I think it really helped me bond with Izzy and allowed me to just focus on her for a whole 45 minutes. Obviously my daughter is much bigger now and I still love the one on one time with her. For the whole session she just makes me laugh and smile. She was in her element, dancing, ‘sharing’, playing with the toys and collecting her favourite rattle eggs. I’d throughly recommend hartbeeps to anyone looking for a good music/sensory/play baby and child group.

This week a special shout out to Milo (our cat, see picture below) for putting up with being taught about Peppa and 'sharing' the iPad. . 

I would also like to say thank you for the connections I have made this week, I have been put in touch with different charities and individuals, who have taken the time to talk to me about their kids being born missing limbs/digits. 

Heres a link of the charities I have been looking into:
The Lucky Fin project -
Reach charity -

The lucky fin project has recently had some more instagram exposure from the actress Millie Bobbi Brown who stars in 'Stranger Things'. Head to this link to see more:

I have found a few bloggers/instagrammers who's stories have been really inspiring and great for me to see. I will compile a list (and ask permission) to show the ones I have come across. I think because these days social media is so easy to access its been a lot easier to come across others in the same situation through instagram and such like, its brilliant and reassuring. I've been able to see families being 'normal' and doing the usual activities confidently. 

Its funny how even with the exposure of the Paralympics and shows like 'The last leg' I worried about my baby being able to join in 'normal' activities and maybe not being able to achieve that one dream they want to do. I can honestly hand on my heart say that I'm starting to not feel like that. This kid will be able to do exactly the same as Izzy, they might be brilliant at different things but there will be nothing they can't do or at least try. My sister and I joked about us joining them in Canada and teaching baby how to ski so he\she can enter the winter Paralympics....who knows....maybe one day....we might even have two children competing in the olympics and Paralympics in the future. 

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facebook: @afarmandababy


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