Limb difference charities

After my second 20 week scan and it being confirmed that my son would have a single digit on his foot and now other complications they could see, we were given information for the charity REACH which is for upper limb differences ... I guess you can see the problem there?

The ironic thing is it took me a while to want to look through that information and by the time I was ready to look into this world, I didn't even have the right information to start looking for advice and support.

So, I have decided to try and put a bit of an information list about websites for various limb differences. It'll mainly focus on the UK but will have some websites from America.



REACH is a charity for children with upper limb differences. Their website has a members options, which helps you gain access to plenty of support and advice, meet ups, burserys, fundraising ideas and the bit i adore is that you can buy dolls with upper limb differences - I mean how incredible!

Their website starts from the early days upto school and learning to drive

Contacts: 0845 130 6225 or 020 3478 0100

The link below also links to other places for further information, including hospitals that specialise in upper limb differences:

On the website there is a link to blogs of fellow upper limb difference parents, they are beautifully written and worth a read.



STEPS charity was set up by a mum whose son was born with clubfoot, she realised that families with children with lower limb difference had nowhere to turn. This is where STEPS was born and is dedicated to help individuals with lower limb differences. They cover a huge range of conditions such as; hip dysplasia, talipes, club foot, PFFD. I have linked below where to go to to find out what they cover:

Each one talks about treatments, causes, and an explanation of what they are and what it means for the child. They even have a ‘personal stories’ section to do with the above conditions that you might find helpful to look there. Here's the link:

They also have a youtube chanel:



This was the first limb difference charity i came across on instagram. If you have read my blogs you will know it took me a while to feel ready to delve into the world of limb difference, and i found it easier to just see images of happy, healthy, beautiful, real life children. I messaged them and i had a reply really quickly. She started this website as her daughter was born with Symbrachydactyly, and the name ‘Lucky Fin’ came about and i must say, i love it. Just the name is so positive. Here's the link to the website:

There is a fantastic blog section, recurse and information area, recommended reading links. They have books aimed and both adults and children to help inspire those with limb differences. We were very lucky our childminder had some books that she lent us, which i flicked through and showed to my daughter. She was only two, and didn’t really understand it but I felt comfortable knowing that there are books our there to give to children to help them understand their own limb difference or their siblings or friends.

The LFP also has meetups, links families together, raises money through merchandise for the charity.

They are based in america, but there is still plenty of helpful information. Here’s the link:



FYF is a charity aimed at helping individuals with amputations, congenital abnormalities. This covers adults and children, and their focus is on inclusion especially with sports. Theyr are based up in socland and leeds (where the sports events and meetups take place). There’s plenty of news, images, fundraising and celebrities to have a look through on their website. Here’s the links:


Well I hope some limb difference families and people have found this helpful - whether you are just starting your journey following an antenatal scan or learning to live with life as an adult. please get in touch if there are any other charities or foundations out there.


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