THE appointment

Evening! If you have been following my blog you will be well and truly aware that I have been super anxious/scared/excited about Mr.N's foot appointment at St. Georges. I just felt like a lot was weighted on this, and it almost felt like everything as we knew it rested on this appointment - dramatic I know!!

So, we arrived at our appointment (nice and early of course) and we were seen on time. A 1:30pm appointment kind of made me think we were first on the list following their lunch. Well, let me just say I couldn't sit still with neves, I drink about 1 litre of water and fiddled with Mr. N and his buggy - anything to help me feel busy.

But the appointment went perfectly and better than I had hoped! The specialists were hands, fingers and forefoot specialist, and as he doesn't have much of a forefoot they felt that there wasn't anything that they needed to do. They were happy that he has a heel and even though he doesn't have a big toe, he does have a toe to act as a counter balance - it should strengthen as he uses it more. The difference in leg length they felt was extremely minimal, and he will probably need an insole or orthotic foot type thing. We have been discharged from SGH as they felt our local hospital would be able to support Mr. N enough. We are just waiting for an appointment at our local hospital with the orthopaedic team, but I don't feel as nervous bout this, especially as this means no operations for the foreseeable future woohoo!

The only other appointment they have suggested, is for Mr. N to see the genetics team to just check whether he has something the could pass on to future kids, or if this truly was 'one of them thing's'. As he doesn't have anything else and the foot is an isolated difference, they strongly feel that it isn't genetic but for future kids it could be helpful for him to know for definite.

So, basically I have been on cloud nine! I am super happy that we can just keep going as we are, and just wait for these appointments to come through. He is so little at the moment, that there probably isn't much they can do anyway.

A little up date on how my little lad is doing - he is smiling, cooing, laughing, chatting, he absolutely loves watching his sister and finds his dad absolutely hilarious! He tends to be quite happy playing on his playmat, having a bit of tummy time, but loves sitting on my lap and having cuddles :). He is rolling from side to side but hasn't quite figured out how to get all the way over yet. 


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