
Showing posts from September, 2018

THE appointment

Evening! If you have been following my blog you will be well and truly aware that I have been super anxious/scared/excited about Mr.N's foot appointment at St. Georges. I just felt like a lot was weighted on this, and it almost felt like everything as we knew it rested on this appointment - dramatic I know!! So, we arrived at our appointment (nice and early of course) and we were seen on time. A 1:30pm appointment kind of made me think we were first on the list following their lunch. Well, let me just say I couldn't sit still with neves, I drink about 1 litre of water and fiddled with Mr. N and his buggy - anything to help me feel busy. But the appointment went perfectly and better than I had hoped! The specialists were hands, fingers and forefoot specialist, and as he doesn't have much of a forefoot they felt that there wasn't anything that they needed to do. They were happy that he has a heel and even though he doesn't have a big toe, he does have a toe t...

Tiffany's Story

Meet Tiffany a fantastic mum to 3 beautiful children, this account is truly honest and inspiring and I can resonate with some of these feelings. It honestly brought a tear to my eye! Tell me abit about you? My name is Tiffany, I'm the mother of three beautiful little red heads. Keegan is 7 - he's my brilliant mind, always building legos or reading a book. Addy is 5 - she's my adventurous spirit, usually found twirling in some kind of a dress, and angling to get into mama's make up. Ollie is 17 months old and currently obsessed with his newfound freedom of walking, all things outdoors, and his big brother and sister.  What is your limb difference? My daughter Addy was born with Symbrachydactyly on her right side. It caused her forearm to be shortened and she does not have a wrist or hand on that side. She has little tiny "nubbins" that would have been fingers that she can wiggle. We call it her "lucky fin" as this makes it easy t...

Hazel's Story

Tell me about about you?  My name is Hazel Newhouse, I am a pblogger and a mum of 4. I have 3 girls and a son. We live in Bedfordshire and live self sufficiently growing our own food and being passionate about reducing waste and our plastic usage.  What is your's or your loved ones limb difference? My son Jimmy was born with Bilateral Syndactyly and webbed toes. His Syndactyly affects both hands, which makes his ring and middle fingers fused. The tips of his fingers share a joined fingernail. Both feet have webbing on the 3rd and 4th toes too.  When did you find out Jimmy had a limb difference? We found out about 3 minutes after he was born. We didn't have a clue that he was going to be born with the Syndactyly. It was a huge surprise but it does run in the family. My husband's dad has webbed toes and his brother had webbing on one hand (it was separated when he was a young boy), but nothing as complex as Jimmy's. When he was born they laid ...

Becki's story

Becki is an incredible mum of two boys, one of which has an upper limb difference. Her words I have found very comforting and love the support network she has formed through social media and her specialist hospital. Tell me a bit about you? Hi, I am Becki. By day I am a special needs teaching assistant in a high school, and by night I am a very sleep deprived mum of two. Dougie, two and a half, and Edward, 8 months. What is you or your loved ones limb difference? It is my son Dougie who has a limb difference and he has symbrachydactly of his left hand. I think his doctor referred to it as ‘u-shaped cleft hand’. He basically has a thumb, which looks ‘normal’ but doesn’t bend, and a little finger which is has grown at an angle across his rather than straight up. He has three nubbins in between these that are the starts of fingers that just didn’t grow. I have added a picture of his first X-ray that he had at around 12 months old. When find out about Dougie's hand...