
Showing posts from August, 2018

Haylee's story

The lovely Haylee has agreed to tell us a little bit about her limb difference, I came across her on instagram using the name @littlehandfred and absolutely love her positive and hilarious post about Fred. Tell me abit about you: My name is Haylee Gardner and I’m a senior in high school. I love animals and am going to college to get a degree in animal science.  What is your limb difference? I was born with amniotic band syndrome affecting my left hand. So when I was being developed in my moms stomach, a string came off the amniotic  sac and wrapped around my hand and cutting off the circulation to it and causing it to stop growing.  When did your parents find out? My parents actually didn’t know until I was born because it didn’t even show up on my ultrasound.  What help and support have you been offered? Support comes mostly from my family and the people around me, and when I was younger I went to Shriners...

Ignorance is bliss

So August has finally arrived - the month of THE first foot appointment. I currently feel quite anxious and nervous about the whole thing. I quite like everything as it is, I'm used to his foot - in fact I saw a baby with two feet and I surprised myself by thinking that having two baby feet was strange. I'd forgotten what two tiny baby feet had looked liked. I am quite enjoying being as we are, nothing needs doing and I'm living in ignorant bliss that anything NEEDS to be done. Obviously they could say exactly that at the appointment, but I kind of feel like I need to think he needs loads of operations, then even if they say he needs one when he is 30 years old I am still prepared! Sounds so outrageous being worried about that, but I guess thats being a parent, you worry about some of the most obscure things and then try and rationalise it.  I keep flitting between feeling guilty that I feel as I do. Especially when plenty of other families have been through so muc...