Hormones and Anxiety
Three months in and I THINK we are getting to grips with this whole game called parenting, I have realised and started to accept that this time round is completely different to the first time. I am so glad I made the most of cuddles and naps when my daughter was a baby, as this time round I can't get away with as many cuddles or naps - especially as my darling children appear to tag team it ... apart from right now where I will hopefully have more than a few minutes to myself. Mr. N is doing great, he is growing well on just my milk. I have tried to introduce a bottle once a day, but I'm actually far to lazy for that right now and would rather just whip my boob out (or so to speak). He's smiling, cooing, and enjoys is play mat for more than 2 minutes. We have had a slight problem with constipation with this hot weather and I will share the advice I was given from lloyds pharmacy and my wonderful NICU workies: Drink, drink, drink, drink, drink. Have a glass of squa...