Finding inspiration

As mentioned in my last blog, I have spent the last few weeks looking for bloggers, inspirational people, and websites that make me smile and feel positive about my journey into a family of 4 with a baby who will be slightly different.

Firstly id just like to make it clear that these are people, pieces of information and charities that I have found incredibly positive and have helped me, and I just hope that these little nuggets of information help someone else. I have tried to focus on those with foot differences, but limb differences do over lap. 


On instagram a lovely lady called Hayley contacted me and shared that her daughter was born without a hand. Her instagram page is so vibrant, positive and full of love, there beautiful pictures of her children and I could see that her daughter joined in everything and is part of it all. Hayley has allowed me to share her website for anyone to have a look at 

lucky_fin_project on instagram been incredible. I have been on contact with them and asked if they could put me in touch with any members with missing toes. They sent me a couple of links, and I must admit I haven't contacted them yet - all I will say is ask them for help/advice, anything. Thats what they are there for.

turtletheluckyfinpup is slightly different but inspirational none the less, turtle is a dog born without her left paw, her human owner was born without 10 fingers - I mean what a perfect match.

⇢Bloggers and websites⇠ - there is a lovely blog called "special needs adoption: Limb differences", which is about a couple who adopt a little boy from china who was born missing his right hand. Its quite an interesting read about the adoption process and how there seems to be an umbrella term in regards to congenital problems in china, over all it is a positive read, especially when she starts to write about how her son is doing now. - "8 things I want parents of children with limb differences to know". this is just BRILLIANT!! its written by a lady called Brittany Moore who has a limb difference and it is just fantastic. I love the part where she tells us mums not to blame ourselves and to teach self love instead. This will definitely be an article I will keep referring back to when I have a bad day. - there is a list of 7 bloggers, all of them different and inspirational in their own way. the founder of the lucky fin project has a blog up on there as well as a variety of different people. Its definitely worth a look to see what others have to say from several points of views. - "books about limb difference". something I had never ever thought of as an education tool for this baby or my daughter. I had no idea there were this many books around that we could read to help our child adapt and accept themselves if they need to. 

As far as books go, we have only ventured to books that talk about being a big sister and a new baby coming into the family, my daughters attention span isn't the best unless Peppa pig is involved but I love the idea that I could get some books that have pictures of children with limb differences. 


Tom Dempsey, a well known NFL player of his time. born without the toes on his right foot and fingers on his right hand. He is best known for his 63 yard field goal - I am no sports expert, in fact it bores me really but this to me is incredible! He managed to make the hall of fame for doing something someone with a while foot couldn't do (ill add I do know his record has since been broken, but he still set the first one!).

Adam Hills - born without a right foot. He has had a spectacular comedic career. 

Alex brooker - born with hand, arm and a twisted leg that had to be amputated ... and look how much he has managed to accomplish against the face of adversity? Literally amazing.

The last two blokes I have seen on TV and enjoyed the shows they have done. They have a brilliant sense of humour and I'm very very hopeful that my baby will have the drive, ambition and the sense of humour to be as successful as these two, and of course Tom Dempsey to

(a good old fashioned positive quote)

This week has been a pretty good week with my pregnancy. The only time I wobbled was when I googled baby feet images, followed by baby feet with deformities ... I was looking for one of those really cute feet pictures but with a baby with missing toes/foot, instead I came across a load of medical photos, which obviously aren't taken to be cute and to be honest it was a bit of a shock. I have purposely not googled images of how babies feet can be born as I know they are all individual, and truthfully I didn't want to scare myself. Seeing them pictures actually frightened me a little bit, I'm not 100% sure why, at a guess I think I naively thought i'd come across some pictures like 'normal' baby feet - beautifully posed, pink and warm feet. 
I also had a routine consultant appointment (routine for me) and we had a chat about how things were going etc; I decided to bite the bullet and admit I'm terrified of going over due and something happening - working in NICU means I tend to see the sickest babies, and although I know as a unit we are amazing at our jobs and have so many more success stories than sad stories, I just don't want to 'risk' going over and adding to more than I need to get my head around. We have decided to talk about this in 6 weeks time, at the moment I don't want to be induced or have a c-section or anything like that - just maybe a sweep or anything that can encourage baby to come along. Hitting 30 weeks has made me a little nervous about the fact I'll finally get to see my babies foot and just get on with having a newborn. Part of me is a little scared I won't like the foot and I will struggle to bond with the baby ... all of which I know is really stupid and probably will not happen at all, but I' m worried it could happen. I think I probably had these thoughts before my daughter, about not bonding with her, if I' d be able to cope etc ... and we got along just fine (apart from a little visit from post natal depression), maybe I'm just worrying like a second time mum?! maybe I'm simply worrying with my love for my second child be different? Oh these pregnancy hormones are just superb aren't they.

Anyway I hope everyone has had a good week and remember to send me any nuggets of information to the places below...                  

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