
Showing posts from June, 2020

Vanessa's story

Vanessa shares her story about her gorgeous daughter ivy. Tell me abit about you? Our family lives in Vancouver, Canada! I met my husband about 7 years ago, and we quickly fell in love and knew we wanted to spend our lives together. We had our first daughter, Elena, in June  2016 , and our second daughter Ivy in February of  2019.  I have my history degree and hope to be a librarian one day, but for right now, I enjoy my days staying home with my girls, and I work in the evenings in the service industry. What is your daughters limb difference? My daughter Ivy was born without forearms and hands, and she also has PFFD (Proximal femoral focal deficiency), which basically means that her left hip is curved and her left femur is curved and shorter than her right. When did you find out? We found out when I was 19 weeks pregnant. We had our detailed scan, and heard the results the next day from our midwife. I felt overwhelming feelings of grief, fear, worry, a...