
Showing posts from August, 2019

Amelias Story

Tell me a bit about you? My daughters name is Amelia and she’s 2. What is your limb difference? She has about a 50% discrepancy and it’s currently 10cm, projected at full growth is 23cm.  When did your parents find out? I found out at my 20 week scan.  What help and support have you been offered? We have been offered support through Sheffield children’s hospital, of other families numbers to discuss which route we would like to go down.  What are the negatives about your limb difference? I’m always scared what the future will hold for Amelia, and maybe that’s a negative. Also sometimes the constant questions people ask me when I just want to enjoy days out with my children.  What is the best advice you could give to a family who are pregnant or have just had a baby with limb difference? I would tell someone who was pregnant, or just had a baby that your child will surprise you everyday and make you proud....