
Showing posts from May, 2018

The fog of motherhood take 2

How on earth has 5 weeks gone by already?! I'm not quite sure how we have survived this fog of becoming a family of 4 but we have DONE IT! Last week was quite possibly the hardest, my 2 year old unfortunately had a UTI, which meant temperatures of over 40 and a course of antibiotics. The best bit was trying to get a urine sample from a toddler who isn't potty trained and complains it hurts every time they wee. During this week Mr. N decided that he needed feeding every 1 - 2 hours for a chunk of nights was necessary ... all of this whilst I had mastitis. Literally, my boob never felt so sore, you can imagine latching a baby every 1 - 2 hours on a boob that felt like it has needles poking it every time anything brushed the skin ... and when I say boob I mean the whole thing, not just the nipple and a bad latch type pain. Needless to say I am super happy to be into week number 5 which is already much much better ... no UTI ... no mastitis ... Mr. N still feeding 1 - 2 ho...